Please complete the information requested below so that we can serve you better. All information provided will be kept strictly confidential and will be used solely for the purposes of providing you with interior design service.
Contact Information
Project Overview
1. What Interior style are you most drawn to?
2. What is the number of room(s) to be designed?
3. What specific things are you looking for in a space?
4. What is your goal in designing the room(s)?
5. What is the budget for the room(s)?
6. What functions will take place in this room?
7. Do you lack storage space? If so, what do you need storage room for?
8. Do you have a collection of something to be used in the space? If so, what is the collection?
9. Do you have an inspiration piece? (Artwork, rug, blanket, furniture, etc) PLEASE NOTE: size of the piece and send a photo.
10. Is there a specific piece that must stay in the room? (Grandma’s chair, piano, etc). Please roll the the size of the piece and send a photo.
11. What is the greatest challenge you feel we will have in designing the room(s) you have chosen?
12. What colors do you prefer being sorrounded by?
13. What colors would you not want to associate yourself with?
14. What fabric pattern do you dislike?
15. What is the urgency of the service required?
16. What is the estimate budget for the work